Nov 26 / Delana Green

10 Educational Games Must Haves To Shop For On Prime Day

10 Educational Games Must Haves To Shop For On Prime Day

Delana Green
We are a gaming family: So much so, we used a board game to announce the pregnancy of our second baby.

Our first year of marriage, my husband and I found out that the best chance for us to have a date night... was to go to a game night at a friends house, every week. 
Since then, we have been buying each other a board game every year. It's been a great tradition that we have decided to pass on to our kids. Except, sometimes board games aren't the easiest to shop for when kids are under 10. 

These are my TOP 25 board games and/or learning activities that you want to add to your list. 
Here we go. 

Affiliate Links Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase—at no additional cost to you. I received no compensation for writing this, and everything here reflects my experiences and research.

Games we own and love!

This was the game(s) we started with. This exact pack and it was perfect. My kiddo loved the animal theme. Her favorite was memory and it was such a fun learning tool that we used for matching things up. Slap jack was also a BIG hit. 
When we lost half the cards, I bought it again for our second kiddo. 
You can get it on Amazon here!

Connect Four- This was a tricky one for our oldest to learn the year we got it, so I would say it's best for 4 and up. 

You can use Connect 4 to teach paterns, in a fun way. 

Exploding Kittens is one of my favorite brands right now. 
This one is super easy for the kids to understand and it's enjoyable for adults as well. I'm currently on a mission to collect all of the games from this brand. They are all so fun and entertaining. 
This one is good! - Available on Amazon, and most bigger stores.


We have been playing life with our (nearly seven year old) and it's been a wonderful one for reading. When she gets an action card, she reads the bold letters and the instructions. Not just that, but it's been awesome for addition and subtraction as well. She also has just so happened to win every time... which makes it her current favorite to pull out.

Kids on Stage
It's not my absolute favorite, but it's one of the few that we can also include our two year old in. So, as a family, it is played often. You can get it here.  
Why I love it?
imaginative play for littles is a great development milestone. We love this because it makes them think, act, and guess. They are figuring out clues and working together.
I got this super adorable kids chess set on Amazon last year for Christmas and it's been fun to teach our kids using it. The pieces are easy for them to grasp. Chess has been shown to significantly raise reading scores according to a study done by Stuart Margulies, Ph. D, in his research conducted in 1990 to 1992 in District 9 in New York City. This study is often quoted as the first scientific study of chess raising reading student reading scores.
I really like Petite Collage as a brand and this is my favorite purchase from them so far. 
She even plays chess with her dolls.
Not going to lie, 
I hate Yahtzee. Mostly I hate playing Yahtzee with my husband because he knows how to figure out the percentages and the math so well... I never win. 
But guess what? 
Our kids love it. (Of course, likely because it's loud) 
They count the dice numbers, we show them the patterns that they need to look for and suddenly they all get hooked.
Get it here. 


Why I like this game? 
One, I happened to rock at it as a kid. 
Two, I love the thinking in advance that it requires. Similar to chess in a way. It's fun to watch their brains work through the problem solving and come to their own conclusions.
Get it here on Amazon


This game is a short and fun game. Kids from ages 2+ can make sense of it and it's easy for them to pick up *pun intended. You roll a dice that gives a color and shape. Everyone must use one hand and stack as many as they can, as fast as they can. 
You can find it here.

USA Card Game

My husband teases me endlessly about how I have been terrible when it comes to US geography. So this one hasn't just been a learning game for my kiddos, but for me as well. 

Games on our list

Don't forget, I have an ongoing list I am determined to contribute to anytime I come across a game I want to get for our kids. We also like to focus on their skills and the areas of improvement and shop for the kid. 
Here are just a few of the ones featured on that list. 
Click on the picture to be re-directed

I hope this was a helpful list to get you started on your own collection. I am a believer in using games and puzzles to teach concepts to our kids. It's such a great way to have family bonding and educational opportunities with our children. 

What did you like most? 

p.s. Check out this other list I have built. 
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